Monday 31 October 2016

Challenge 9 - Instructions

The prompt for this challenge is:

After the special prompt for World Peace Day, we go back to some words. There are five in total and they all have to go into your writing. They can be in any order. They are:
…pink,   giraffe,   drilling,   teacher,   quietly…
Make sure you think about your story before you start writing so that you can include them all and the story makes sense.


When you have finished, mark your work as DONE in the Classroom and email Mrs S to let her know that you have posted your writing on your blog. Add the following labels: #100WC, Challenge 9

Lastly, be sure to go and read and comment on a minimum of three other 100WC posts by going here:

Good luck!

NOTE: All challenges are, with permission,  either based on or taken directly from the original 100 Word Challenge Blog, here: