Wednesday 31 May 2017

Challenge 2/17 - Liyabona | Grade 6

The cave

"It's coming!" panted Angeline. The crocodile is coming. This wasn't an ordinary crocodile, it was scaly with a wide orange body. "We're trapped,  I can't see an exit out of this cave!"  cried Sarah. Within the cave the girls heard weird noises , suddenly there was rumbling coming from above . Angeline look at your far right, the roof has collapsed ! said Sarah. Luckily the crocodile had lost  interest of eating the girls. The girls saw a gap and daylight in the cave and knew that was the only way they would get out of the cave, so they crawled and crawled .

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Monday 29 May 2017

Challenge 2/17 - Mitchell | Grade 4

A beautiful creature.

There was a little boy named James. He wanted to go to Rainbowland to see the wide orange crocodile. James loved crocodiles, all kinds. So when he got there he saw the Orange Crocodile running, he could not belive it, and within a moment the crocodile collapsed. James wanted the Orange Crocodile, so he went into the cage and the Orange crocodile ran after him. then James fell in the water, but the crocodile just wanted to help James get back up. James turned around and thanked the crocodile. And just like that James woke up. Wow, what a nice crocodile he thought to himself!

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Friday 26 May 2017

Challenge 2/17 - Rosie | Grade 6


"I'm not who think I am." She whispered to me. "Who are you then?" I asked as if it wasn't that serious. She sat there without saying a word for a few seconds, while we watched the crocodile pull against its chain. All you could hear was the chain and the sound of me kicking the orange, stone wall. But there was now way out. We were stuck in a cell, with a crocodile and a few wooden boxes. The silence became deep for a second, when a crack echoed and soon the sound of a million stone bricks collapsing...

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Wednesday 24 May 2017

Challenge 1/17 - Liyabona | Grade 6

The Slime
We were in this mysterious cabin far away from the campsite, there were two boys who wondered off during the night at Camp Adventure. Ivan and Luke thought that they could find something scary and scare the girls from Camp Manicure.They were walking and saw this abandoned cabin covered in spider and spiders webs so they thought it would be cool to go and explore it and bring something back that could scare the girls . They opened the door and they saw that the slime dripped through ceiling and they heard growling. Where did the slime come from. 

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Challenge 1/17 - India | Grade 4

The disappearing slime

A boy named Pete went to a spooky shop called Junk n Stuff. Pete looked on all the shelfs and came upon a bottle of lime green slime. He looked at the label and it read The disappearing slime. Pete thought it was cool and bought it. When he was walking home he smelt something disgusting he looked to see what the smell was. The slime, it smelt like rotten feet! When he got home he couldn't wait to open the slime. His mom said that if he plays with the slime he must use a cutting board. Pete didn't listen. He went to his bedroom, and when he put the slime on his hand, the slime dripped through his fingers hit the floor and disappeared.

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Monday 15 May 2017

Challenge 1/17 - Rosie | Grade 6

The Creature...

"We need to go!" Said Stacy" We can'tnot until we find it" I said rather impatientlyIt was Halloween 2017. We were looking for something or...someone"PleaseI know I promised I would help youbut I didn't know you were this serious about it!" Stacy whisper-shouted. Suddenlythe slime dripped through a crack in the wallno it wasn't slime it was... "Umm,Rosie?" Stacy looked at me like I was crazyand then shesaw it"RUN!" screamedWe took off through the house and out the  doorLeaving the creature behind..

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Sunday 14 May 2017

Challenge 1/17 - Willow | Grade 4

The  mosquito repellent slime

I hate mosquitoes! I hate how they bite me. I even saved my money to buy a mosquito net. One day my brother Jinks found some nice smelling mosquito repellent slime. "What do you do with it?" I asked, "it says here you should rub it on your mosquito net" he answered. I grabbed the slime from my brother and raced to my room "you owe me 5 bucks" he yelled "later" I called.
I started rubbing it on my net as soon as I got to my room, though I couldn't really rub it in properly.
That night when I went to bed I was so tired from rubbing I fell asleep quickly, but, little did I know that my net was having trouble holding the slime, even less, did I know that at about midnight the slime dripped through!
When I woke up I was covered in slime.

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Wednesday 10 May 2017

Challenge 1/17 - Mitchell | Grade 4

I wish I could get that slime.  

"Mom please can I have slime?" "No you can't, the slime will mess everywhere", says mom." "My favorite color is the blue one and it doesn't smell". "Fine you can have it!" So they went to the shops and bought slime. He took it out and the slime dripped through his hands on to the floor. Mom says " You can't get the slime any more!" So they went home and he tried to make slime. He could not make slime because he did not know what to do. Then his mom finally got him blue, non smelling slime.

Please comment directly on Mitchell's blog here:


"Mom please can I have slime?"